Exposing Swagger UI in WebFlux based application

Overview Developing WebFlux based service I encountered on SpringFox integration issue. I simply cannot expose SwaggerUI in my service. The service used netty and reactor for requests handling and implemented a contract described in OpenAPI. At first I thought that I can introduced changes within SprigFox, but on the second thought I’ve realized that SwaggerUI is purely client based and a server is rather required to host static file. WebJars I’ve started looking for statically...

February 5, 2020 | | Tags :webflux swagger-ui netty openapi

How to create a button that can call an http endpoint?

Goal The goal is to create a button that when pushed calls a configured http(s) url. The idea of hardware setup was developed by my colleague - Aleksander Iwański. How will it work? The webhook button is powered up by a battery. When the webhook button is powered up WiFi is enabled. The button exposes following services: /wifi a html service that allows configuration of wifi connection to an access point. [GET] /webhook return current...

October 26, 2019 | | Tags :platformio cpp embedded arduino esp8266 microcontroller

WebFlux and gRpc

Overview I decided to evaluate webflux and gRpc together in a simple project that exposes the same service once as Rest and once as gRpc. All on java 9. The results are on github in project: training-webflux-grpc

January 14, 2018 | | Tags :webflux spring grpc java9 gradle docker

GRPC - fighting pit

I wanted to try the newest protobuf, netty and grpc. I leaved description of the gained experience on training-grpc project

May 22, 2016 | | Tags :java grpc protobuf rx

Hide and Seek: Communication performance

One of the major player in a system architecture is communication between components / services / application. Since it’s used in almost every place (http/json communication between webpage and restful api, http/something between tiers, etc.) perhaps it’s worthy deeper insight.

February 9, 2016 | | Tags :performance partial-result partial-request stream reactive java