Today I was flurried by the information about Github changing its structure from flat company with remote work culture to a yet another corporate being.
February 7, 2016 | | Tags :corporation transformation flat-structureThe link to the article: Amdahl to Zipf: Ten Laws of the Physics of People was sent by my colleague. I started reading it and quickly realized that it’s very accurate. Every one of the named laws is applicable to situations I’ve met in the companies I worked for.
February 6, 2016 | | Tags :universal-lawFrom time to time I need to flight. During last flight I implemented a part of application with rxjava library and after a while I’ve realized: I forgot how “window” operator works. Silly, isn’t it? Fortunately rxjava source code is well documented. I went into source code, read comments and got impression about “window” usage - that was easy. Still, the window’s marble was missing - missing when I’m unable reach internet. There is a...
February 5, 2016 | | Tags :rxjava offline-site wget